Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Program Standards and Elements of a Model Entry

Program Standards 

Expected outcomes are expressed as program standards, which are aligned with 
State-designated teacher preparation approval criteria shown in WAC 181-78A-270. 
Program standards include criteria (e.g. 1.), elements (e.g. 1.1), and examples. 
Any level of the program standard is appropriate for reflection, feedback, or evaluation.

1. Expectations – The teacher communicates high expectations for student learning.
1.1 Demonstrating Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy
E.g. Teacher recognizes the value of understanding students’ interests and 
cultural heritage and displays this knowledge for groups of students.
1.2 Communicating with Students
Teacher’s explanation of content is appropriate and connects with students’ 
knowledge and experience.
1.3 Engaging Students in Learning
The lesson has a clearly defined structure around which the activities are 
organized. Pacing of the lesson is generally appropriate.

2. Instruction – The teacher uses research-based instructional practices to meet the 
needs of all students.

2.1 Using Questioning and Discussion Techniques
Most of the teacher’s questions are of high quality. Adequate time is provided
 for students to respond.
2.2 Engaging Students in Learning
Most activities and assignments are appropriate to students, and almost all 
students are cognitively engaged in exploring content.
2.3 Reflecting on Teaching
Teacher makes an accurate assessment of a lesson’s effectiveness and the 
extent to which it achieved its instructional outcomes and can cite general 
references to support the judgment.

3. Differentiation – The teacher acquires and uses specific knowledge about students’ 
cultural, individual intellectual and social development and uses that knowledge to
 adjust their practice by employing strategies that advance student learning.

3.1 Demonstrating Knowledge of Students
Teacher recognizes the value of understanding students’ skills, knowledge, 
and language proficiency and displays this knowledge for groups of – students.
3.2 Demonstrating Flexibility and Responsiveness in Lesson Adjustments
Teacher makes a minor adjustment to a lesson, and the adjustment occurs 
3.3 Demonstrating Flexibility and Responsiveness in Persisting to Support Students
Teacher persists in seeking approaches for students who have difficulty 
learning, drawing on a broad repertoire of strategies.

4. Content Knowledge – The teacher uses content area knowledge, learning standards, 
appropriate pedagogy and resources to design and deliver curricula and instruction to 
impact student learning.

4.1 Demonstrating Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy
Teacher’s plans and practice reflect familiarity with a wide range of effective
 pedagogical approaches in the discipline.
4.2 Setting Instructional Outcomes
All the instructional outcomes are clear, written in the form of student 
learning. Most suggest viable methods of assessment.
4.3 Designing Coherent Instruction in the area of Learning Activities
All of the learning activities are suitable to students or to the instructional 
outcomes, and most represent significant cognitive challenge, with some 
differentiation for different groups of students.
4.4 Designing Coherent Instruction in the area of Lesson and Unit Structure
The lesson or unit has a clearly defined structure around which activities are 
organized. Progression of activities is even, with reasonable time allocations.

5. Learning Environment – The teacher fosters and manages a safe and inclusive 
learning environment that takes into account: physical, emotional and intellectual 

5.1 Creating an Environment of Respect and Rapport
Teacher-student interactions are friendly and demonstrate general caring 
and respect. Such interactions are appropriate to the age and cultures of
 the students. Students exhibit respect for the teacher.
5.2 Managing Classroom Procedures through Transitions
Transitions occur smoothly, with little loss of instructional time.
5.3 Managing Classroom Procedures through Performance of Noninstructional
Efficient systems for performing noninstructional duties are in place, 
resulting in minimal loss of instructional time.
5.4 Managing Student Behavior by Establishing Expectations
Standards of conduct are clear to all students.
5.5 Managing Student Behavior by Monitoring
Teacher is alert to student behavior at all times.

6. Assessment – The teacher uses multiple data elements (both formative and 
summative) to plan, inform and adjust instruction and evaluate student learning.

6.1 Designing Student Assessments around Criteria and Standards
Assessment criteria and standards are clear.
6.2 Designing Student Assessments with an Emphasis on Formative Assessment
Teacher has a well-developed strategy to using formative assessment and 
has designed particular approaches to be used.
6.3 Designing Student Assessments to Inform Planning
Teacher plans to use assessment results to plan for future instruction 
for groups of students.
6.4 Using Assessment to Provide Feedback to Students
Teacher’s feedback to students is timely and of consistently high quality.

7. Families and Community – The teacher communicates and collaborates with 
students, families and all educational stakeholders in an ethical and professional 
manner to promote student learning.

7.1 Communicating with Families
Teacher communicates with families about students’ progress on a regular 
basis, respecting cultural norms, and is available as needed to respond 
to family concerns.

8. Professional Practice – The teacher participates collaboratively in the educational 
community to improve instruction, advance the knowledge and practice of teaching 
as a profession, and ultimately impact student learning.

8.1 Participating in a Professional Community
Relationships with colleagues are characterized by mutual support and 
8.2 Growing and Developing Professionally
Teacher welcomes feedback from colleagues when made by supervisors or 
when opportunities arise through professional collaboration.

Elements of a Model Entry

There are different formats for writing portfolio entries. However, responding to 
writing prompts 1-6 helps to address desired performance on professional knowledge
 and skills, along with identifying steps for having a greater impact on K-12 student 
1. Citation of the program standard (either criteria, element, or example) 
along with an interpretation of what the standard means.
2. Presentation of evidence with description. The description includes context 
and related research or theory associated with the creation of the evidence.
3. Justification of how the evidence demonstrates competence, or emerging 
competence, on the program standard.
4. Summary of what was learned as a result of creating the evidence or 
having the experience.
5. Comment on the implications for student learning.
6. Propose specific changes or next steps to increase effectiveness in the 
area under examination.

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