Thursday, May 25, 2017

Internship Blog Portfolio

7.1 Communicating with Families. In order to collaborate effectively with families, I find it necessary to periodically send positive emails home to parents informing them of their students’ progress while respecting cultural norms. In regards to the use of technology in this way, Olmstead (2013)’s study concluded that, “Most types of proactive involvement can be fostered through the use of technology. The data revealed that both parents and teachers perceived that technology is an effective tool” (p. 35-6). At my current internship, I accessed parent emails from student information found on district’s LMS web-based grading system. This program provided me with a guardian name, phone number and email address. When writing emails to parents, as shown in Figure 1’s template
Figure 1. Example or Template Email Send Home to Parents
letter, I identified key learning tasks to the parents that their student was working on (i.e. fitness testing). I was able to provide parents with their student’s specific results from the web-based physical education program, WELNET Focused Fitness. Over the course of the semester, several of my students have drastically improved their fitness scores. This is something that parents should be aware of and their student should be receiving recognition for their hard work. After sending emails to parents, I was not expecting a response. However, several parents have emailed me back indicating that they thought it was awesome that their student is doing so well in my class. Through the use of sending positive emails home, I believe that I have been successful at increasing constructive parent-teacher communication.

Olmstead, C. (2013). Using technology to increase parent involvement in schools. TechTrends, 57(6), 28-37.